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Young People

We need assistance to pay for ongoing costs of around £18,000 per year.

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About this cause

Crowthorne HopeZone is a drop in centre for school years 6 and above. HopeZone offers a welcoming warm and safe meeting place for the youth of the village to meet. Thus reducing antisocial behaviour and avoid the temptation of Drugs and alcohol. I have used my business website as Crowthorne HopeZone does not have a website

How this cause brings people in the community together

Crowthorne HopeZone is a youth drop in centre that assists young people with a warm, welcoming and safe environment to meet other young people and avoid antisocial activities and the possibility of under age drinking and drugs. The village as a whole has reduced antisocial behaviour Crowthorne HopeZone is open to all young people from any ethics, religious or sexual orientation