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Survivors Of aBuse

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We aim to run an 8-week course to help 10 survivors rebuild their lives after experiencing childhood abuse and/or domestic violence through our holistic psycho-educational and wellbeing programme.

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About this cause

We help adult survivors of childhood abuse and domestic violence recover from the trauma impacts of the abuse they have suffered. We do this through our bespoke 8-week life-changing psycho-educational programme. We offer ongoing support after the course finishes to enable the learning and growth pathway for each individual that takes part in our course. We are about to start our 11th course and have helped over 80 survivors so far. The long-term impact statements from the individuals we have helped are humbling. We have helped them regain their self-esteem, their mental and physical heath, find or change jobs/careers, enter into safe and loving relationships. We have literally saved lives and helped many to live their lives to the full in the best way that they can.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Our 8-week psycho-educational course provides individuals who have suffered child abuse/domestic violence the chance to break the cycle that may be holding them back from living their life to the full. The trauma impacts from abuse are well documented and if support is not available then the impact can truly affect all areas of an individual's life including the next generation. Our programme takes a holistic approach to help individuals understand what has happened to them, its impact on them and how they can proactively take steps to reclaim their health, wellbeing and life. With the scale of abuse escalating and support services being inundated with referrals and self-referrals, programmes like ours are meeting a gap in service provision which is critical.