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Hamilton Rugby Club

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We aim to provide a welcoming environment for active participation in rugby. The club welcomes all players irrespective of ability, and offers a safe, open and friendly environment in which to play.

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About this cause

Our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our community offering opportunities for active participation in rugby. This aspiration is aimed at children of school age right through to both male and female adults. The club welcomes all players irrespective of ability, and offers a safe, open and friendly environment in which to play rugby. We provide high-level Scottish Rugby accredited coaching in a competitive, structured and well-balanced playing arena for players to develop their skills and enjoy the learning experience.

Hamilton Rugby Club website

Hamilton Rugby Club on Twitter

How this cause brings people in the community together

Hamilton Rugby Club welcomes our community and offers a safe, open and friendly environment in which to play rugby. We provide high-level Scottish Rugby accredited coaching in a competitive, structured and well-balanced playing arena for players to develop their skills and enjoy the learning experience irrespective of ability.