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West Somerset Brass Band

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We need to replace worn and damaged instruments that are currently used by some players. We wish to buy additional ones to enable more people to learn. And to buy new music.

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About this cause

The band has served the community in Watchet and the wider West Somerset region since 1952. Not only has it entertained people at public functions, provided a sense of community to its players and fostered civic pride, but it has trained several generations of musicians, providing free-of-charge music tuition to willing learners, both younger and older. Musicians learn on instruments provided by the band and tuition is given by suitably qualified/proficient band members. Learners play together in a learner group, before progressing to a training band, then ultimately, to the main band. This is against a backdrop of education cuts in schools, which means there is no other means of learning to play a brass instrument in the Watchet or Williton areas that is free of charge.

West Somerset Brass Band website

How this cause brings people in the community together

We wish to replace worn and damaged instruments and buy new ones to both enable more people to join and play with us and to allow current members to progress by playing better instruments.