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Into the Light

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We want to support adult victims of childhood sexual abuse by running an advice/signposting service, as well as four workshops and courses to help them heal from past experiences and break isolation.

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About this cause

Into the Light provides courses, workshops, guidance and counselling to support the mental health and wellbeing of adults who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. Into the Light exists to alleviate social isolation of survivors of childhood sexual abuse and ensure they receive the support they need to learn to live with the past and rebuild their futures. The aims of Into the Light are to alleviate the negative consequences of experienced abuse by providing group support, psycho-educational courses, workshops, information and resources and one-to-one work for adults who have been abused as children; to offer training, workshops and seminars to the partners, carers and families of adults who have been sexually abused; and to increase public awareness on issues relating to sexual abuse.

Into the Light website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Our services help adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse break isolation, develop better relationships and be closer to other people. Survivors report having a greater sense of self-esteem and feeling more hopeful about the future. We also support family members and carers of survivors, which helps them better understand and support their loved ones. Ultimately this translates to better mental health and wellbeing for survivors of childhood sexual abuse and those who support them.