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St John's C of E Church

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We are looking to transform a waste and overgrown area into a secret garden, where we can bring young and old people together in a welcoming and safe space.

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About this cause

Our goal is to encourage young age groups to come into our church and enjoy making new friends, sharing their stories and life experiences, to support and learn from each other and to widen their knowledge of the Christian faith. We also encourage older age groups to come into our church to enjoy the warm and inviting space, to have craft activities and to share experiences at our tea and coffee mornings. We aim to bring both groups together so that they can benefit from lessons learnt, to support each other and widen their understanding of life in general.

St John's C of E Church website

How this cause brings people in the community together

We currently own an enclosed plot of land that has fallen into disrepair. It is overgrown with bushes, small trees and cannot be used. We plan to clear the area, cut back the bushes and create an inviting, safe space, initially for our young school children where they can come and play, learn about nature and its impact on our future. We would like to set up play equipment, a soft/eco-friendly play area and a few tables and chairs where they can have picnics. Longer term our plan is to open the area up to the wider community, so that it can be enjoyed by all age groups. As individuals we are responsible for our future; we want our young community to learn more and share their experiences and by doing so encourage others to do so.