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Emily's Star

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We support children and young people with complex needs. This support is comprehensive by addressing the various challenges and needs faced, and by working to improve outcomes and quality of life.

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About this cause

We provide essential support, resources and opportunities for premature babies, and children and young adults with life-limiting conditions in Milton Keynes, alongside raising awareness of Trisomy 18. We're a group who aims to improve the lives of children with complex needs, and their families. We support families from 0-25 years old, with the aim to support them while making memories. We support on a one-to-one basis but also hold group events to build a community.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

By offering memory-making activities, one-to-one support and group events, Emily's Star enhances the quality of life for children with complex needs and their families, fostering a sense of belonging, resilience and community support. These services provide opportunities for joy, connection and personal growth, empowering families to navigate their unique journeys with confidence and positivity.