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16th Bermondsey and Southwark Scout Group

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We will run two 2-night adventurous camping trips for our Scout troop. The Scouts will set up their own camp, cook over a campfire, and take part in activities like archery, climbing and potholing.

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About this cause

Scouts exists to actively engage and support young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society. Our group helps young people aged 6-14 in an area which is one of the 10% most deprived in the country. Around 1/3 of our Scouts group (aged 10-14) have documented Special Educational Needs. At our weekly meetings we run games and activities such as crafts, cooking, pioneering (building structures from staves and ropes); we also go on hikes and overnight camping trips where the Scouts set up their own tents, explore the local area and cook over campfires. We help young people learn skills for life, gain confidence, and develop the desire and ability to make their world a better place and improve their area and community.

16th Bermondsey and Southwark Scout Group website

How this cause brings people in the community together

These camping trips will allow young people from various backgrounds to put into action what they have learned from our Scouting programme about practical life skills: campcraft, cooking, navigation, first aid, problem-solving and teamwork. The adventurous activities will offer physical and mental challenges that might not be available in their home or school environment. We hope that these activities will help them gain further life skills and encourage independence, resilience, teamwork and self-reliance.