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The Hive Silsden CIO

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We aim to continue to provide a youth club for children aged 8-12 from Silsden and the surrounding areas. We'd like to extend the provision to more days and times during the weekend and after school.

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About this cause

Our aim is to provide a safe space for our young people to visit and seek support. We provide opportunities for them to come together and take part in leisure and educational activities with their peers. We provide intergenerational opportunities that are purposeful and mutually beneficial, allowing everyone to understand and respect the differences between generations and contribute to building more cohesive communities. We enhance their knowledge and skills and develop lifelong qualities to help them achieve a brighter future.

The Hive Silsden CIO website

The Hive Silsden CIO on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Offering more days and times to access a free youth club will benefit our young people in Silsden and the surrounding areas. This will allow young people to socialise with their peers, build trust with staff so they feel comfortable talking to an adult about any issues they may be experiencing at school, home, with peers or with their mental health. This will enable our Youth Club leader to ensure that they access the correct and appropriate services. They will engage in activities that support the improvement of physical and mental health. We allow young people to have some independence in a safe and supportive environment.