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Rooted wisdom

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We offer a mental health awareness event with engaging workshops on fitness, self-care, meditation, and art. We promote wellbeing, build community, and help people gain practical tools for daily life.

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About this cause

Our purpose is to empower young individuals, especially those from marginalised backgrounds, by providing them with the knowledge and skills to navigate societal challenges and foster a sense of pride and belonging in their cultural identity. Our workshops, assemblies, and mentoring focus on mental health, and cultural awareness. We provide training programmes and resources to help teachers support students' mental health and cultural education, and we support family dynamics and community cohesion through inclusive and educational activities. We also offer tailored mentoring programmes to support rehabilitation and positive reintegration into society, and provide individual and family therapy to address personal and relational challenges, fostering stronger, healthier relationships.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Our dynamic mental health awareness event will make a significant difference in our community by providing practical tools and knowledge to promote well-being. Through engaging workshops on fitness, self-care, meditation, and art, participants will learn how to integrate these practices into their daily lives. The event will foster a sense of community, encouraging connections and support among attendees. By addressing common misconceptions about mental health and providing accessible resources, we aim to reduce stigma and empower individuals to take proactive steps toward mental wellness. This initiative will create a more informed, resilient, and supportive community.