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Lantern Arts Centre

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We wish to strengthen our new youth choir by funding a piano accompanist, subsidising fees for those in need, and buying sheet music. This group provides fun and improves the wellbeing of teenagers.

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About this cause

The Lantern Arts Centre's mission is to provide access to a wide range of arts opportunities for the local and wider community across all generations. Our provision is free or low-cost, or individuals can be supported on a case-by-case basis. We help those who benefit from access to the arts by improving mental health and wellbeing through our activities and the Lantern Hub (a free community space that signposts activities and info). Through these activities, and the Lantern Hub community space, we help families with 0–5-year-olds through Playzone playgroup, weekly, in term time; silver screen free cinema screenings, fortnightly; three low-cost productions a year where anyone who wants to can take part; community choir and youth choir; and low-cost children's theatre clubs.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

The concept of the Lantern Youth Choir is to give young people between 11 and 16 years a constructive and creative start to the weekend, especially those teens not involved in weekend sports. Supported by Lantern volunteers, the morning starts with a vibrant and engaging choir rehearsal using varied music. After just over an hour's rehearsal, the students move into 'The Hub' where they have a youth club-style hour and a half – free refreshments are served and they can just hang out, but we also have boardgames and table tennis on hand which encourages non-screen socialising. We are striving to continue this initiative for young people who love music; to develop their musicianship, grow their confidence, and encourage social skills, friendships outside of school, and performance skills.