Crawley Community Youth Service
People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential
We wish to send 80 young people to summer camp; a 3-day adventure escape where they will take part in activities such as archery, survival skills, bushcraft, paddleboarding, climbing and more.
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About this cause
We provide disadvantaged young people in Crawley positive experiences and community to improve wellbeing, self-esteem and ultimately their future success. We run sessions offering safe space and activities ranging from music and art to cooking and sports. Every session provides a meal and parents remark with relief that they won’t have to provide dinner. CCYS is the only universal youth service in Crawley running across 3 sites – Bewbush, Broadfield and Dormans. Bewbush and Broadfield are two of the most deprived areas in West Sussex. Most of our young people experience disadvantage through deprivation and over half face specific challenges such as being neurodivergent, young carers, or experiencing abuse.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Summer camp provides activities that would otherwise be unaffordable. Team-building activities teach young people to problem-solve and build relationship skills such as communication, group participation and empathy. Experiences like paddleboarding and survival skills offer opportunities to build confidence, resilience and provide a sense of achievement. Adventurous activities like climbing let young people face their fears, learn to encourage each other, build determination, celebrate together, and develop self-belief. Being away from home helps young people to build independence, learn to get on with others and build long-lasting friendships, which helps to develop their sense of belonging. Older young people act as volunteers, learning leadership skills.