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Fresh Creative Aspirations CIC

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

A local young person (14) said “I want to try new things like video and music I can’t do in other places". We can help them with engaging inclusive projects where they will learn new lifelong skills.

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About this cause

Our goal is to provide fun and informal educational and training projects for young people in the North East of England based around digital skills (video production, music production, design), arts and craft activities (eg, making props and costumes), hair and make-up, drama workshops, planning and cooking meals, managing finances, business planning, and any other similar activities.

Fresh Creative Aspirations CIC on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our community music video project, initiated and led by young people in the former pit village of Newsham, Northumberland, will allow young people to begin their music and video production journey and learn valuable new and transferable skills, express themselves creatively, learn the importance of teamwork, significantly broaden their horizons and hopefully reduce anti-social behaviour in the local community. We want this project to help young people appreciate and value their own creativity and promote informal education whilst building new relationships and developing lifelong skills.