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St John's Centre

Planet: Reducing waste and resource use

We would like to teach local people how to preserve and make fermented food and drink. These workshops bring people together around healthy eating, self-care, reducing waste and sharing knowledge.

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About this cause

St John’s Centre is a small community centre in Old Trafford, Manchester, founded in 1982. Our aims are to help local people reach their potential, and to foster good relations in our diverse community. We provide adult learning classes (especially ESOL and basic skills), activities for adults and children, and community events. Our Community Hub provides referrals to food banks, fuel vouchers, and signposting to other financial and practical support. We are a key part of the local voluntary sector, working with a wide network of individuals, community groups, charities and statutory organisations to address local needs. Most importantly, over 42 years we have built a reputation as a place where everyone in our community is welcomed.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Our preserving and fermenting workshops, run by a local facilitator, bring together diverse groups of people to share experiences and knowledge of healthy lifestyle choices in different cultures, and sustainable ways of growing and using food. Participants use produce from our garden and supermarket oversupply to make healthy products in an affordable way, reduce waste and share their products and their learning with friends and family. We recently ran an oversubscribed pilot with women from the BAME community. There was high demand from people who wanted to learn these skills to benefit their own gut health, reduce waste and share products within their community. As a hive for activities in Old Trafford, we know that these workshops can reach more people from all parts of our community.