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The Big Red Bus Club

Young People

We would like to buy new outdoor toys, including toy cars, to replace the old ones that have been damaged over the years.

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About this cause

The Big Red Bus Club is a wonderful children’s charity in Charlton Park. We provide a daily and free, family stay and play for local children under five We have a large outdoor play area, mud kitchen and play ground. 300 local families use us man of our users suffer from poor health, poor quality housing, are more likely to be the victims of domestic violence and crime. Access to an outdoor area, safe from unrestrained dogs, somewhere to play with water, play in sand or just enjoy the sun is just something many take for granted A user said. “We don’t have a garden, the landlord keeps it manky and unusable and we can be stuck indoors, here we get fresh air and our bodies get moving, Sophia just sleeps better after running about and playing all afternoon..”

How this cause brings people in the community together

We would like to buy new outdoor toys, to replace the old ones that have been damaged over the years but also new equipment like hula hoops or skipping ropes to help the toddlers in our afternoon play group enjoy running about, sharing and playing with each other. New outdoor toys will support not just their development but also help the children parents get to know each other fostering community spirit as they play together breaking down barriers, like language or shyness. Local families will benefit, our families often do not have back gardens and for their children we are the back garden. 300 families with children under five, local volunteers and our Special Education Needs and Disability group will all benefit from better quality equipment.