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Rowcroft Hospice

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We provide music therapy (free of charge) for people with life-limiting illnesses, their carers and loved ones, using musical interaction to improve quality of life and wellbeing.

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About this cause

Rowcroft Hospice's vision is to make every day the best it can be for patients, and those closest to them, living with life-limiting illnesses in South Devon. One way we support patients, carers and their loved ones is through music therapy, using musical interaction to improve quality of life and wellbeing. Our service helps clients express their thoughts and feelings; assists with pain control; helps feel connected; lifts spirits; eases anxiety, stress and tension; and helps people explore their creativity.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Music and the relationship with the therapist are used to help a person cope with their situation. This can include shared playing and exploring creativity, singing, listening to the music therapist play to aid relaxation and reduce anxiety, song writing and recording, as well as talking and reminiscing about the role music has played in someone’s life. Active engagement inevitably declines as time goes by. The nature of the illnesses and the patients being cared for by our hospice is that they are approaching the end of life. The focus is to enable them to make the most of this time, and for their friends and relatives to experience sustained connection with them for as long as possible.