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ParentSpace (SCIO)

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We would like to support parents and carers across the Scottish Borders to empower their mental wellbeing, and build positive relationships at home and in their communities.

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About this cause

ParentSpace offers support to parents/carers (hereafter referred to as ‘parents’) in the Scottish Borders. Our overall goal is to build healthy families, and we do this by running evidence-based parent courses, one-to-one support, and drop-ins for parents with neurodivergence (ND). We help build parents' confidence, social networks, parenting skills, and general family stability, and in doing so their mental wellbeing improves. Our one-to-one service is for parents needing intensive support, often connected to their mental wellbeing, or ND. We provide supportive spaces and offer peer support and tailored parenting advice. We capture service users' feedback in various ways such as case studies and questionnaires, and they tell us that we are helping improve their mental wellbeing.

ParentSpace (SCIO) website

ParentSpace (SCIO) on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our courses and one-to-ones support parents of children of all ages, from all backgrounds. Many are experiencing mental health challenges, are socially isolated and living in rurally deprived areas. Our support helps parents be the best parent they can be through peer support and evidence-based parenting information. The whole family benefits as parents are able to understand and nurture themselves and their children. This creates resilience within the family regardless of what challenges they experience. From this stronger position they are better placed to positively contribute to their community, through improved social connections, better mental wellbeing and health. The children are happier, more stable and secure, thus enabled to engage at school and in the community more positively.