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St Mary Magdalene Parish Church, Yarm: Bee Project

Planet: Protecting nature

We wish to purchase two bee hives and secure fencing in Yarm churchyard to enhance the environment by increasing pollinators. The project will educate school children and inform visitors about bees.

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About this cause

The bee project aims to increase the number of pollinators in the Yarm area by providing a safe space for 2 hives of honey bees located in a corner of the churchyard. Once established, it will be used to educate local school children and visitors in the importance of bees for the environment, agriculture, allotment growers and gardens. It will complement the work of the church ecogroup to provide a haven for nature, including wild flowers, plants and wildlife. This will encourage more people to use the churchyard and enjoy its natural beauty.

St Mary Magdalene Parish Church, Yarm: Bee Project website

St Mary Magdalene Parish Church, Yarm: Bee Project on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our bee project will enable school children and adults to understand and appreciate the contribution of bees to the ecosystem. Visitors to the churchyard will experience an enhanced environment beneficial to their wellbeing as well as being in closer contact with nature. Our church Minister is enrolled with the British Bee Keepers Association, working towards completing their exams and becoming our expert apiarist so he can explain how honey bees live and work to all our benefit. Our project is designed to create a safe apiary for bees and people to co-exist.