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Sustaining Dunbar's Pledgehog Project

Planet: Protecting nature

This project inspires people in Dunbar to help our local endangered hedgehogs, by providing advice and resources to make outdoor spaces hedgehog-friendly, benefitting both nature and our communities.

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About this cause

Hedgehogs are now classed as ‘at risk of extinction’ in the UK and the Pledgehog Project was created to encourage local people in Dunbar to make hedgehog-friendly improvements to their gardens or outdoor spaces. As well as being of benefit to hedgehogs and other wildlife, the project aims to connect communities with this shared interest, helping with social isolation and providing positive health benefits as people spend more time in the natural world. The project has a particular focus on engaging with elderly people and pre-school children, working in partnership with Lammermuir House Care Home and Dunbar Primary School Nursery children.

Sustaining Dunbar's Pledgehog Project website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

The Pledgehog Project inspires people in our local community to learn more about hedgehogs and become more engaged with nature conservation. We lend out night-time cameras and feeding stations to allow residents to find out if they have a hedgehog visiting them. We hope that our neighbourhoods will become more connected with this shared interest, helping with social isolation and having positive mental and physical health benefits. Making hedgehog-friendly improvements throughout the town will also benefit our natural environment, making Dunbar a healthier and more biodiverse place to live.