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Paths Through Change C.I.C.

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We run a youth club for 5-10 year olds who have parents living apart. They meet weekly to play, chat, share snacks and do activities. We would like additional funding to continue the club.

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About this cause

We provide specialist support services for children and young people when their parents separate and/or divorce. Our advocacy scheme helps identify and amplify the child’s voice. We help parents agree a child-focused plan to address the child’s needs and wishes. Our befriending service enables the child to build a relationship with a grown-up child of divorce who is not from their family. They meet regularly to talk and have fun. We run events for children so they can connect with peers whose families look similar to theirs. These include a youth club for primary-aged children and workshops for teenagers in youth clubs and schools. We run training for professionals who work with families and workshops for parents after divorce.

Paths Through Change C.I.C. website

Paths Through Change C.I.C. on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

We connect children of a similar age, from a similar area with others who have shared similar experiences and/or have families who look like theirs. They find representation in their peers’ families and this reduces stigma and self-blame. The club is free, to make it accessible to children of all backgrounds. We connect children who go to different schools, are in different communities and are of diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. During a time that might be unsettled at home, we create a regular, reliable place to attend. We introduce opportunities to build interests in new activities and use these to support the children’s wellbeing and mental health. We widen their support network, increase independence and improve their social skills, confidence and esteem.