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Cranleigh Climate Action

Planet: Tackling climate change

We want to reduce our local carbon footprint and the cost of living with a free "Library of Things" to loan out costly but rarely used items and regular practical energy-saving advice sessions.

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About this cause

Cranleigh Climate Action’s long-term goal is to bring people together to reduce the local carbon footprint. We will raise awareness by running regular Climate Pop-up Gazebo events. We will offer advice to save energy and costs with practical activities such as making draught excluders. We will work with local people, schools, older residents, local businesses and our Social Prescriber. We will also offer locally-focused action ideas to reduce emissions via our web-based Cranleigh Climate Pledges. These cover issues such as travel and supporting nature. The setup of our ‘Library of Things’ allows for items that are costly to buy & rarely used to be loaned out, such as kitchen or garden equipment. Items will be free to borrow, to help with the cost of living and reduce consumption.

Cranleigh Climate Action website

Cranleigh Climate Action on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Cranleigh Climate Action will bring together local people to talk about and take action to reduce carbon emissions. In our regular Climate Pop-up events on the High Street, the atmosphere is friendly and cosy, offering refreshments and practical activities such as making draught excluders. This will be a place to drop in, chat, learn about combatting climate change, and make friends. We will work with local organisations to reach out to any isolated members of the community and to young people to reduce their climate anxiety. The Centre for Sustainable Energy Impact Report for Cranleigh shows that we consume too much of everything. Besides reducing our need to buy “stuff”, our free Library of Things will save people money on big and rarely used items, and encourage sharing.