Pendle and Craven Croquet Club
People: Helping older people feel connected
We want to upgrade our car parking area to make it easily accessible and to provide parking for all participants of this fun, friendly and fascinating game. All newcomers of all ages are welcome.
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About this cause
We are a fun and friendly sports club mainly for older people aged around 60 years. Our objectives are to encourage people to play croquet either socially or competitively, stay socially connected, and enjoy some fresh air and gentle exercise. We need to upgrade our car parking area as the public car park historically used by club members is increasingly full and the area our disabled members use is going to be blocked off. It is imperative that we increase membership to keep the club going, and having a safe, secure, and easily accessible car park will help greatly. The local town council has agreed that the convenience will attract new members.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our project will provide parking for many more people, including people with additional accessibility needs. Our project will allow older people to socialise while enjoying a fun game of croquet. The social group environment reduces social isolation and gentle exercise increases wellbeing. The opportunity to play competitively in local and national leagues is available if people want to get involved, but if not, the kettle is always on.