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1st Bridge of Weir Boys Brigade and Girls Association

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We wish to be fully involved in BB national competitions and improve the quality and range of our sports equipment plus camping gear for our expanding DofE groups involving both girls and boys.

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About this cause

We are a uniformed organisation open to any young person from P1 to S6 but divided into three age groups: Anchors P1–3, Juniors P4–6 and Company Section P7–S6. For the past two years we have had a growing Girls' Association which usually meets separately but we have some joint events. We supervise and assess Bronze and Silver DofE. This together with BB badge work involves volunteering over several months to help both elderly and children younger than themselves. We provide training in camp craft and encourage an interest and respect for the environment. Our company has been extensively involved in the BB national competitions reaching the UK quiz finals in Belfast last year and the Scottish football finals in both age groups this year. We were the first team ever to include girls.

How this cause brings people in the community together

The Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association provides boys and girls with opportunities to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith. Our BB badge work and DofE programme has an emphasis on volunteering, which can be as varied as learning to use the church PA system, getting leadership experience in the younger sections of the BB and in local sports clubs or gardening for the frail and elderly. Volunteering is good for the mental health of participants, teaches valuable life skills and helps a wide spectrum of our community. The expeditions teach young people self-reliance, teamwork and an appreciation of our environment. Our national competitions teach sportsmanship and give opportunities to meet others from different communities.