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Reflect - Pregnancy Loss Support

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We want to provide free one-to-one pregnancy and baby loss support for more people in York. We need funding to help support and train our volunteers.

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About this cause

Reflect is a well-established local charity that provides a free support service in North Yorkshire for those struggling with pregnancy or baby loss from any cause and at any stage of pregnancy. Our support is free and provided on a one-to-one basis for couples or individuals, giving them a compassionate supportive environment to process their emotions, improve their mental wellbeing and move forward with hope. We have a team of well-trained volunteers from the local community who provide our structured support service. We have received 159 new client enquiries and provided 537 support sessions in the past year. One recent client wrote “This service has been invaluable to me. It has helped me to work through my past trauma at a slow and steady rate. I feel lighter and brighter.”

Reflect - Pregnancy Loss Support website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

An estimated one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage; losing a baby is devastating. The NHS does not have the resources to provide support despite the impact that this loss has on people's mental health. Recent research published in The Lancet has shown that anxiety, depression, and suicide are strongly associated with miscarriage. Reflect has a proven track record of improving mental health and wellbeing for clients, and this also benefits their families. We support couples, as well as individuals, and help people to move forward in hope. We give people the time, space and support they need to help enable them to grieve. In the past year, we have provided nearly 550 hours of support and want to increase this in the year ahead.