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Create (Cornwall) CIC

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We're building a creative community in Camborne where everyone is welcome and encouraged and supported to fulfil their potential and improve their mental and physical wellbeing.

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About this cause

We aim to make creativity accessible to anyone, regardless of income, ability or experience. We believe that everyone should have access to the same specialist equipment, tuition, courses, classes and workshops in warm glass, ceramics and jewellery, at whatever point in their creative journey they are. We offer free community workshops and events as well as paid for courses, and know that access to creativity is essential for the mental and physical wellbeing of people of all ages and skill levels. We have worked with community groups including homeschooled children, people with hearing and learning disabilities, people experiencing long-term unemployment, employees of the NHS, universities and colleges.

Create (Cornwall) CIC website

Create (Cornwall) CIC on Facebook

Create (Cornwall) CIC on Twitter

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our creative community brings people together in the town, contributes to intergenerational pride of place, promotes skills and learning, improves mental and physical health and wellbeing, and inspires and nurtures creativity for all.