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Isle of Man Woodland Trust

Planet: Tackling climate change

We plant native trees in sites around the island to create new woodlands. New volunteers are welcome to come on Sundays in the winter to help with the planting; tea and cake provided!

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About this cause

The Isle of Man Woodland Trust was incorporated as a charity in the Isle of Man in 2004, with the environmental aims of protecting and maintaining existing woodland on the Isle of Man, creating new woodlands by planting predominantly Manx-native species and to encouraging access and enjoyment to these woodlands by the general public. Some would say of equal value are the social and health benefits to the people who are involved in the tree planting. Tree planting is undertaken every Sunday in the winter, weather permitting, by volunteers including families with children and older people, helping build and sustain the community. This community planting is supplemented by “corporate plantings”, where companies bring groups of employees for outdoor team-building.

Isle of Man Woodland Trust website

Isle of Man Woodland Trust on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

As well as the obvious environmental benefits that tree planting brings, of equal value are the social and health benefits to the people who are involved in the work. Every Sunday in the winter tree-planting season, unless the weather is truly atrocious, volunteers turn out to plant trees. These volunteers include all ages, from families with children as young as three through to people well into their 80s. According to their ability, they dig holes, plant saplings, and secure them with stakes and tree guards. This is followed by hot drinks, cake and conversation, helping build and sustain a community of friends. We use Facebook to keep in touch with members and give updates on particular days when the weather conditions make it unsure if the planting will go ahead.