Cambridgeshire Motor Neurone Disease Association
People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential
We want young children living through a parent having motor neurone disease to make happy and lasting memories. We can do this by funding days out and short holidays. Thank you.
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About this cause
As a group, we help people and families living with this terminal disease living in Cambridgeshire. We allow young children to make happy memories with their parents on short breaks and holidays. Families find these hard to fund as they lose one, sometimes two, wages, as one parent becomes a full-time carer for the other.
Cambridgeshire Motor Neurone Disease Association website
Cambridgeshire Motor Neurone Disease Association on Facebook
How this cause brings people in the community together
Making memories for children dealing with a parent with a terminal disease can help with their mental and physical development. We can do this by sending them on days out and short breaks to make those memories.