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Roots to Rise

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

Our aim is to continue providing free hair-loss support before and after chemotherapy treatment. We believe all patients deserve the highest quality wig at no cost to themselves.

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About this cause

As an affiliated NHS wig supplier, we aim to provide patients with the best-quality wigs to enhance the wellbeing of patients undergoing treatment in oncology and dermatology departments. The problem we are trying to combat is the shortfall between the NHS voucher provided to oncology patients and the true cost of a wig. Even for the cheapest "medical wig" the patient would need to contribute approximately £100. For a more realistic-looking wig they would need to contribute at least £250 upwards. We want to be able to provide all patients with high-quality realistic wigs, at no cost to themselves. We are a not-for-profit organisation wanting to emotionally and financially support as many people with hair loss as we can.

Roots to Rise website

Roots to Rise on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

By being able to provide high-quality realistic wigs at no cost to the patient, our project will provide equal opportunities to all the people coming to us for hair loss solutions. We believe that people should be able to have a realistic wig for the cost of the NHS wig voucher. We want to be able to help as many people as possible feel confident and improve wellbeing when they have already been through such challenging times. The solution to the problem we are facing is to raise funds to add to the NHS voucher provided; we are currently doing this through fundraising and application of grants. The aim is to be able to provide a wider range of higher-grade wigs, so patients have more choice and better quality to choose from.