People: Helping older people feel connected
We welcome those living with dementia, and their carers, to our Singing Café for all – our menu is cuppas, cake, singing, dancing, and above all, fun.
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About this cause
We aim to build bonds across our community and help all of those experiencing social isolation. Our Singing Café 'Warblers & Wobblers' is attended by those living with dementia, and their carers – we have six care homes who regularly attend, and we also have attendees with various learning difficulties or mental health issues living in shared accommodation. We run a community choir 'disHARMONY' for all abilities and perform at local fetes and care homes, alongside a community garden where all produce grown is available free of charge to local people. For this, we engage four local schools in planting competitions and run mum and toddlers planting sessions. We encourage anyone to bide a while in the garden and have a chat with our volunteers – the garden is a safe space for all.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our Singing Café connects people living with dementia or other mental health issues, and their carers, with others experiencing similar challenges in life. Carers are able to share their experiences and we provide signposting to local services where appropriate. We regularly welcome those living in care to our sessions, for many of whom this is this is the only time they experience being outside of their care home. All of our sessions are themed and the focus is always on fun, laughter and music supported by tea, coffee and cake – not forgetting the dancing... a must for every session.