Kick Start FC
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
We'd like to set up recreational football sessions for primary school children, and offer access to workshops and discussions covering a range of mental health-related topics.

About this cause
Our goal is the promotion of community participation in healthy recreation in Wiltshire, Hampshire, and the surrounding areas, by the provision of facilities for playing football. We work to preserve and protect good mental health using the medium of football and by providing access to workshops and discussions covering a range of topics relating to mental health, including coping strategies, mental health awareness and self-care techniques.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our project will continue supporting children in our community unable to access mental health services for whatever reason. Waiting times for youth mental health services continue to lengthen, with less than one in three young people with a mental health condition able to get access to NHS care and treatment. There is a youth mental health crisis that worsens with each passing day, with one in six children aged between five and six presenting a mental health problem. We will be able to provide an early intervention to a child presenting symptoms of poor mental health, and increase their chances of recovery through support, wellbeing activities and education.