Rivelin Primary School
Pending display name
Our goal is to connect pupils to the calming outside environment and wildlife, teaching them how to nurture this and make them aware of the current climate issues and how we can help tackle these.
About this cause
We are a large school in the north west of Sheffield, located within walking distance of the beautiful Rivelin Valley. We cater for children from the ages of 3-11 and provide a warm, welcoming supportive environment. We believe that if all members of our school community work together, we can deliver educational excellence for all our children. We develop the unique potential of every child and believe in excellence for every child every day. We teach children the importance of kindness, dignity, honesty, respect, curiosity, determination and integrity. We celebrate success at every level and through inspirational teaching, we aim to equip each child with the skills for life-long learning, to be aware of their rights and to have the courage to stand up for them and the rights of others.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our project will not only enhance the high quality of education that we already provide for the children in our community, by connecting pupils to the outside environment and teaching them how to grow plants and connect with wildlife, how to understand and nurture the space with knowledge of our effects on climate change, pollination, carbon emissions etc, it will also provide a beautiful calm and soothing space for children and staff to go to, away from screens, artificial lighting and technology, helping to relax, self-regulate and generally improve mental health. It will also allow us to establish more connections with the local community, creating relationships with local groups and gardening volunteers where ideas, resources and expertise can be shared.