Edwalton Football Club
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
We would like to ensure the club can provide football for local families facing financial hardship and invest in new training equipment that all our teams can use to provide fun sessions.
About this cause
We are a community-run all inclusive football club, 100% volunteer-led, whose main aim is to provide a good standard of football coaching that helps children learn to play, improve, and enjoy playing football into adulthood. We promote good sportsmanship and friendship through football, and help players to learn to respect the community they live in.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Local community football clubs have always had external pressures. However, over the last three years financial pressures have been compounded by Covid-19 and high levels of inflation affecting people's disposal income. Edwalton Cavaliers Football Club's main aim is to offer easy access to the playing of football to those aged six and upwards. More and more families are facing financial hardship and regardless of this, as a community club, we do not want players to miss out on their football. Our project will support those who have fallen on hard times and are struggling to pay their annual subscription. The funding will also ensure we can provide additional coaching sessions for new and existing coaches to ensure we are able to continue to meet the players' needs.