Gartcosh Primary Parent Council
People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential
Our aim is to promote the Eco and Fairtrade work which Gartcosh Primary School carries out. We are very proud that the school received their FairAchiever award from Fairtrade UK in May 2023.
About this cause
Gartcosh Primary Parent Council support the teachers, staff and pupils of Gartcosh Primary School in North Lanarkshire. We are a group of pupil parents who organise fundraising events for the school and assist at school events. We also support the school by helping the Junior Road Safety Officers get the message out about road safety around the school and the village community.
How this cause brings people in the community together
We are applying for funding this year to again further promote the Eco and Fairtrade work which Gartcosh Primary School carries out. We are very proud that the school received their FairAchiever award and fabulous feedback from Fairtrade UK in May 2023. All funds raised would go towards equipment to help the pupils on biodiversity visits to our local nature reserve here in Gartcosh and in class. It would also be used to buy materials to build bird boxes and insect hotels. One aspect the pupils would love to focus on is pond dipping; we could ensure that the school gets enough equipment for one class to use at a time.