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Planet Aware

Biodiversity and climate change

We intend to do all we can in our daily lives to protect our coasts and oceans for future generations. We bring people together for positive environmental action and creative awareness raising.

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About this cause

We are a group of volunteers that looks to raise awareness about the importance of the ocean and coast to our everyday lives and the impact our lives have upon it. We carry out positive environmental actions and raise awareness of the problems of our resource use and CO2 on the marine environment. We encourage people to engage with and benefit from being by the coast while we share ideas, stories and conversations to help us make better choices and explore ideas for positive actions. We want to ensure we help create a healthy marine environment through better life choices and to do this we work with children, adults and businesses to achieve our goals.

Planet Aware website

Planet Aware on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our positive environmental action through beach cleaning, surveys, and reuse and reduction activities, alongside events to raise awareness through skill sharing talks and workshops, allow communities to engage positively and benefit from being by the sea and, at the same time, promote the learning and sharing of stories that lead to positive action. From the air we breathe to the food we eat and the joy it gives us, our ocean plays a vital part in our daily lives and we need, as much as possible, to make choices and promote changes to protect its health for future generations.