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186th Sheffield (Manor) Scout Group

People: Supporting young people to fulfil their potential

We will continue to support young people to grow and develop #SkillsForLife through the Scouting programme, encouraging them to be part of the local community and fostering our community spirit.

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About this cause

We are 186th Sheffield (Manor) Scout Group, providing opportunities for fun, adventure and life skills. We run Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Young Leaders, providing opportunities for young people aged 4 and upwards. We help support our volunteer adults to learn new skills, develop confidence and learn leadership skills. We also help the local community through supporting activities and events.

186th Sheffield (Manor) Scout Group website

186th Sheffield (Manor) Scout Group on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project enables children and young people from aged 4 to adulthood to engage in developing #SkillsForLife, including those who might otherwise face financial barriers and not be able to afford to be part of a group.