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Biodiversity and climate change

We will run a workplace-based programme which will provide free cycle training, affordable access to cycles, ongoing practical buddying for everyday cycling and support to low-income keyworkers.

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About this cause

Cyclox campaigns to put cycling at the heart of Oxford’s future. Our purpose is to get more people cycling, more often, and more safely, which we do by partnering with organisations across the city, to support people who cycle, and want to cycle. We advocate for improved cycling infrastructure and safety for people who cycle. We are doing this bid in partnership with JoyRiders Oxford (JRO), which began by providing free, women-only group cycle rides led by trained volunteers. JRO also began offering free community-based cycle training and loaning cycles to ensure beginners and less confident riders can also access the many health, social and financial benefits cycling brings. The focus of activity is in areas of Oxford where less people cycle, creating "hubs" in the heart of communities.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will support low-income keyworkers to access a low-cost and healthy means of transport during this period of fuel poverty and beyond. Many adults have never had an opportunity to learn to cycle or don't have access to a bike. Through learning to ride, people gain a life skill they can use to get to travel at low cost as well as enabling family activities. Cycling brings multiple physical and mental health benefits to people of all ages and abilities and connects them with green spaces and other amenities near where they live, as well as with others in their community. Our workplace-based programme provides training and an affordable path to bike ownership for people who would otherwise be unable to participate. It also keeps them going through ongoing buddying.