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Troon Round Table

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We would love some extra funding to keep our annual events returning year on year in the midst of rising costs, in order to help to spread further happiness and joy in the local community.

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About this cause

TRT has been going for nearly 60 years within the local community. We are a bunch of guys who help put on events (voluntarily) in the local community (most notably our summer BBQs, annual Fireworks and Santa Float). All the money raised at our events goes back directly into the community through funding requests from individuals/organisations. Our Fireworks event in particular keeps growing each year and now brings audiences of at least five figures into the local area. We are pleased that both our Fireworks and Santa Float are able to bring in a huge number of extra people, from a wide variety of ages and backgrounds, to help volunteer and ultimately give back something to their local community.

Troon Round Table website

Troon Round Table on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Every year our Santa Float brings an incredible amount of joy and happiness to local individuals and families. The smiles on the kids faces when they get to meet Santa on their doorstep are priceless and stay with them forever. Every year our Fireworks display brings together the Troon community for one evening to have a great family night out. It takes many man hours to put on this event each year and it is great to see the local community not just enjoy our event(s) but also come out in their droves to help support the running of the event(s) through volunteering.