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The Pod

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We aim to buy materials to run special activities and plan fun trips out with each other. These may otherwise be unaffordable or difficult for members to access on their own.

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About this cause

The Pod is focused on turning aspirations into positive opportunities; we provide safe, supportive, sociable and enterprising spaces that improve the quality of life for people with, or affected by, disabilities and young carers. Our community are stigmatised and disadvantaged through no fault of their own, our activities bring families together so they may form a strong network of support with each other. Our activities empower and enable our community to achieve their full potential so they may have the same opportunities that many take for granted.

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How this cause brings people in the community together

The charity provides a lifeline to those we support, many of whom are the most isolated people in our community through no fault of their own. Our activities are planned by the members with a supportive team in place; we will continue to make these accessible to everyone who wishes to attend our projects and community activities.