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Higham Ferrers Gateway Club

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We would introduce our members to music from other countries by engaging a tutor to run music sessions, hopefully, staging a musical evening, and would invite Gateway friends and members' families.

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About this cause

Higham Gateway Cub is a self-funding registered charity (no. 1120121) that provides social and leisure opportunities for adults with a learning disability. It is affiliated to Mencap and led by volunteers. We meet weekly and enjoy a wide variety of activities, some of which our members would be unable to access independently. Our membership covers a wide range of abilities and circumstances. We receive no funding and raise all our funds through members' weekly subs, our own fundraising (e.g. sponsored walks etc) grants and donations.

Higham Ferrers Gateway Club on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

We feel this would give our members' confidence a boost and consequently help their interaction with the general public. It would also help the local community understand the special needs of adults living with a learning disability.