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The Stephen Lyon Organisation

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We offer emotional and practical support to those who struggle with thoughts of suicide. We provide a safe and confidential space to speak without fear or prejudice; we empower people.

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About this cause

Our goal is the prevention of suicide and awareness of mental health. We aim to empower and support people to manage their emotions and feelings, and offer practical support in managing daily tasks. We provide a confidential and safe space for individuals to speak without judgement, embarrassment or shame. We work with other agencies and organisations in the prevention of suicide.

The Stephen Lyon Organisation website

The Stephen Lyon Organisation on Facebook

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will help reduce the stigma around suicide, and empower people to speak out. We are there when times are dark and people cannot see a way out of the pain they are feeling. We hope to show them that they matter, are cared for and loved by many. Our project will help people to get the support they need at a time when they need it. It will champion and challenge society to accept people as unique, and with the right support they can reach their full potential. Our project is the lifeline that some people feel they may never have. We believe everyone should live a life they love and deserve.