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Hope FM Community Radio

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We would like to enable people and particularly young people to share on air their stories about their mental health challenges and what helped them to find support so that others can benefit.

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About this cause

Hope FM is a community radio station. We work to help people of all ages to utilise broadcasting to share the work they undertake within the community and how it can be accessed by others. The station is operated by volunteers supported by one full-time worker. We provide opportunities for young people and others to have work experience learning broadcast skills and developing their self-confidence in the process.

Hope FM Community Radio website

How this cause brings people in the community together

Sadly many people and particularly young people are suffering from varying degrees of mental health issues and finding it very difficult to get timely and appropriate support. Our project will enable people to share their stories on air, in particular what helped them to cope with their challenges. In facilitating sharing with our radio audience we will not only seek to build confidence and self-worth in those who share but also help listeners to benefit from the very real experience of others. We will also seek to enable organisations like MIND to share how their services can offer various support measures. Community radio gives ordinary people a voice and is excellent for connecting people to people. Our listen-on-demand and podcast services will further help the programmes to be shared.