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Mental wellbeing

We aim to provide specialised social and wellbeing activities for isolated autistic children and their families, to help them access a community, and support mental wellbeing and independence.

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About this cause

We carry out activities which benefit the community, in particular (without limitation) supporting members of the mASCot network who are families living in Brighton and Hove and surrounding areas who have children or young people affected by Autism Spectrum Condition. There are over 1,600 families in the mASCot network. We run a broad programme of activities for parents and their autistic children and young people. These include workshops, talks for parent carers alongside specialist-led activities, therapeutic groups and social projects for the children and young people (for a full summary of projects, please see

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Our range of social and wellbeing projects will continue to support a large number of vulnerable, isolated autistic children and their families, who are in desperate need for community, understanding, friendship and specialist knowledge about autism. mASCot member children and their families experience high levels of exclusion in their lives because of their hidden disabilities. Through mASCot's specialist approaches, they can have access to the kinds of activities and enriching life experiences that most children and families can engage in every day.