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Lyneham and Bradenstoke Art Group

Mental wellbeing

We offer an opportunity for people living with dementia and their carers to paint, draw and be creative together. Members gain a sense of achievement from their finished work and make new friends.

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About this cause

Our dementia-friendly Lyneham and Bradenstoke Art Group is friendly, relaxing, therapeutic and fun. People living with dementia and a family carer are given ideas to create their own art, with projects ranging from painting and drawing to collage, printing, crafts, clay modelling and more. They work at a leisurely pace with plenty of time for conversation and connection. No previous experience of art is necessary and everyone works at their own pace. People can also work on their own projects and develop their own ideas. Family carers are welcome at the group as full members and encouraged to join in to create their own pieces of art. Trained volunteers are on hand to lend support as needed.

Lyneham and Bradenstoke Art Group website

Lyneham and Bradenstoke Art Group on Facebook

Lyneham and Bradenstoke Art Group on Twitter

How this cause brings people in the community together

Creating, seeing and the sense of touch often remain strong after other cognitive skills have been lost to dementia, and people can gain great pleasure and satisfaction from making beautiful things. The art group provides far more than just a chance to create and use your hands over a friendly chat, important as these are to combat loneliness. It is also often a chance for people affected by dementia and family carers to learn about other available help and support, thereby strengthening the overall health and wellbeing of the area. Bringing dementia to people’s attention through fun activities also helps to reduce any stigma.