Housing Justice Citadel
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
We use funding to help individuals set up their new home, following a period of homelessness. Individuals often have no support network and need our support to source essential items for their home.
About this cause
Housing Justice is a national charity working to alleviate homelessness in all its forms. It is a successful model that relies on trained volunteers to help people in our communities out of homelessness. Our volunteers help identify each individual’s specific needs and address them together, whilst focusing on building their strengths and passions. This could include connecting them with their local community, helping them to secure employment, find a new hobby, or access the health or financial services they need. Volunteers also offer vital practical help to ensure people can sustain their tenancies. Helping somebody set up their new home with appropriate flooring, furniture and household items is an essential part of making that tenancy successful and avoiding a return to homelessness.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our project will continue to support people in our community most at risk from the cost-of-living and housing crisis. We aim to prevent further homelessness by helping people to establish a safe, secure home. When an individual moves out from temporary accommodation into a tenancy, they are often left waiting for funds and items from the Discretionary Assistance Fund, or find that some essential items aren’t covered. Often the people we support have very minimal personal belongings and do not own essential items such as a kettle or microwave. Having these items when they move into a tenancy gives them the best possible chance of successfully managing their tenancy through the first six months, when tenancies are most likely to break down.