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Corsham Memory Shed

Mental wellbeing

We aim to help local people living with dementia who like working with tools to achieve a goal and make new friends as they work on practical projects in friendly, weekly meetings.

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About this cause

The Corsham Memory Shed is for men and women living with dementia who like making things and working with tools. The friendly, sociable meetings allow people to work on practical projects supported by trained volunteers. Projects include making bird boxes, memory boxes, wooden animals and outdoor planters. Members are also supported to work on their own chosen projects. Carers are welcome to join in as full members of the group. The shed also has a seating area where members can chat and get to know each other over refreshments. This group is a partnership between Alzheimer's Support and the Brunel Shed, and meets weekly at Potley and Pockeridge Community Centre.

Corsham Memory Shed website

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How this cause brings people in the community together

Corsham is the only community in Wiltshire to have its own ‘memory shed’, meeting each week at the Men’s Shed at Potley. The project gives local people with dementia the opportunity to continue to enjoy much-loved craft activities – but with the specially adapted tools and the support from trained volunteers, which also provides peace of mind to family carers as they enjoy a much-needed break. The shed also gives people with dementia and their families an entry point to further help, thereby improving the overall health and wellbeing of the town and making it stronger. And bringing dementia to the attention of the wider community through fun activities also helps to reduce the social stigma that still persists around this condition.