Regenerate Our Green Space (ROGS)
Pending display name
We'd like to initially set up allotments, followed by a garden, orchard and wild spaces to help people in our community grow their own food and sustain our natural environment.
About this cause
ROGS are looking to purchase land in Fortrose and Rosemarkie in the Black Isle for community growing. Community gardens benefit all age groups and abilities with planting, paths, seats, raised beds and landscaping features. We will create 12 allotments in response to local demand, with sheds and plots, and a community orchard for the benefit of local people. Part-rewilding will also create wildlife corridors and havens by planting hedgerows, native trees and wild flowers. Our preferred site sits at the centre of the town of Fortrose, adjacent to Fortrose Academy, near affordable housing and a new care home, and is easily accessible to both villages. The development will be of use to everyone who loves open spaces and will use eco-friendly cultivation and soil regeneration methods.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our project will bring diverse groups of people in the community together to create, maintain and enjoy the new allotments, gardens and wildlife areas. Through communal food growing and planting projects, which we know can help to strengthen the community as a whole, we would help people to socialise with friends and to make new friends across the whole age range. Regenerating this three-acre former area of fields would be done under professional guidance, using eco-friendly and organic growing methods which sustain and encourage diversity in the plant and wildlife population. The proposed site would be close to Fortrose Academy and to local housing as well as the Eilean Dubh Care Home.