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Woman’s Trust

People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing

We support women to recover from domestic abuse through free access to counselling sessions in Newham (East London).

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About this cause

Woman’s Trust seeks to help any woman in London affected by domestic violence and abuse to overcome the mental and emotional harm and rebuild her life. Our objectives for counselling are to help our clients to move on with improved mental health, autonomy, and the ability to look after themselves and their children. Our support helps women cope with day-to-day life and any challenges that arise; and gain the confidence and knowledge to avoid future abusive relationships. In the longer term, it helps women to seek out new positive opportunities. Our primary beneficiaries are women in London who have suffered domestic abuse, past or present.

Woman’s Trust website

How this cause brings people in the community together

Our project will continue to provide services for survivors of domestic abuse at a time when they need us the most. With the pandemic impact and the cost-of-living crisis disproportionately affecting survivors, the demand for our counselling service has increased. To access the service, women can self-refer or be referred by mental health services or other agencies. We provide an initial assessment session, followed by up to 18 weekly 50-minute sessions with a professional, specialist counsellor. With your support this year (alongside other funders), we aim to help 40 Newham women through our person-centred counselling service which has been shown to be effective in improving mental health, increasing independence, and enabling survivors to function in daily life.