Peckham Pantry
Pending display name
We want to keep Peckham Pantry well stocked and create a community space where customers and the local community can come together to share recipe ideas, cooking tips, friendship and joy.

About this cause
Pecan exists to see an end to poverty in all its forms. We aim to transform people’s lives through kindness, belief & hope. We do this by providing holistic support for the local community through our projects: Southwark Foodbank, Peckham Pantry, Women’s Service, Employment Support and Together (life skills and community activities). Peckham Pantry is a community-based membership food shop providing quality, affordable, healthy, culturally appropriate food for everyone. The impact of the Pantry includes saving money, access to healthy food and dignity and choice, while tackling food waste. Shopping at the Pantry means your money will go further, supplementing your weekly shop for £4.50 per visit – members can select 10 items worth between £15 and £30.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our project will continue to support our community to access affordable healthy food for everyone. The impact of the Pantry includes saving money, access to healthy food and dignity and choice. Shopping at the Pantry means saving money and the new seating area will provide an opportunity to come together, and meet friends old and new to share recipes, and joy. Stock includes fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, dairy products, meat-free items and a wide range of culturally appropriate foods. The Pantry aims to tackle food waste by working with a range of re-distribution charities and accepting good-quality food that would ordinarily go to landfill. It also tackles underlying causes of poverty by supporting people to access the help they need, eg, debt advice, help with bills, etc.