Wooler First School PTA
People: Improving people’s mental wellbeing
We wish to rebuild the forest school site after it was destroyed by Storm Arwen so children can develop forest skills. We aim to improve mental health and wellbeing for all.

About this cause
After Storm Arwen, our forest school site was severely damaged which resulted in us not being able to use over half the site where we had a fire circle and wood store. Our overall goal is to restore the whole site and build different areas which we can use for cooking, a quiet reflection area, a circle-time area to use for PSHE and also a hand-washing and toilet area. This would enable us to have full-day forest school sessions where we could cook our own lunch and the children will learn new skills and enjoy their happy place.
How this cause brings people in the community together
Our project will support the health and wellbeing of the children in the community by bringing them together on a weekly basis to socialise with their peers in a different environment. The children will have an area where they can cook and share food together. They will have a quiet reflection area where they can share their thoughts with others or just have quiet time in a different environment. Children will learn new skills like preparing and cooking food, giving some children the chance to taste food they have never had before, cooked on an open fire. They will learn important social skills to prepare them for their future lives. Adults in the community come in to help with the sessions that the children go to, every class in school from nursery to year 4 go to the forest once a week.