The Shropshire Union Canal Society
Pending display name
We are restoring the Montgomery Canal, south of Oswestry, back to its beautiful former glory and give nature a tranquil, secure place to thrive, for the enjoyment of all free of charge.
About this cause
The Society exists to restore, promote and maintain the Llangollen and Montgomery Canals, particularly in the Oswestry/Ellesmere area for the benefit of all, the canals being a free at the point of use asset with open access. The canal system is a haven and corridor for wildlife both on its banks and in the water. Its towpaths are a quiet, peaceful refuge for physical activity of all levels, as well as mental rest and recovery. The restoration is based south of Oswestry where our entirely volunteer workforce are working to bring a section of abandoned dry canal back to full working condition. The group is friendly and welcoming to all ages and abilities over 16, and there are opportunities to acquire a range of skills associated with construction which may have employment benefits.
The Shropshire Union Canal Society website
How this cause brings people in the community together
Canal restoration creates a safe, tranquil, varied environment where people and nature can meet. The level clean towpath is suitable for a wide range of users both in terms of age and ability and it is free at the point of use, an important factor in these financially challenging times. The route is ideal for active travel, as well as walking, cycling for leisure, boating, canoeing and fishing. There are connected nature reserves for the birdwatchers if you want a quiet spot for a few hours. A wealth of industrial and social history awaits, both in the heart of town and also in sites which are now dozing quietly in the sun after years of hectic activity. The increase in tourism will support the local economy, particularly the hard hit hospitality sector.